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This section provides instructions on how to deploy the Courageous Comets application in a production environment. Follow the steps below to set up the application.

The application is deployed using Docker and Docker Compose. It consists of the following services:

By the end of this guide, all services will be running as Docker containers on your system.


  • Set up Docker and Docker Compose on your system.
  • Get the Docker Compose file.
  • Set up a .env file.
  • Configure your DISCORD_TOKEN in the .env file.
  • Select the image versions (optional).
  • Configure additional options (optional).
  • Start the application using Docker Compose.

Get the Docker Compose File

The application can be deployed using Docker Compose. You can use the docker-compose.yaml file provided in the GitHub repository to start the application.

Get the Docker Compose

Download the file and save it in any directory on your system.


Before starting the application, you need to configure the application settings. Create a .env file in the same directory as the docker-compose.yaml file.

The sections below will guide you through setting up a minimal configuration to start the application.

What other configuration options are available?

Refer to the configuration section for a complete list of the available options.

Discord Token

The application requires a valid Discord bot token to connect to Discord. Add the following line to the .env file:


Replace <YOUR_TOKEN> with your Discord bot token.

Security Warning

Keep your Discord bot token secure and do not share it with anyone!

Where do I find my Discord bot token?

See the configuration section for instructions on how to obtain a Discord bot token.

Image Versions

By default, the application uses the latest version of each Docker image. To specify a particular version, you can add the following variables to the .env file:


Replace latest with the tag corresponding to the version you want to use.

Where can I find previous versions of the image?

Previous versions of the Courageous Comets image are available on the GitHub Container Registry.

Start the Application


Please ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system, and that the Docker daemon is running.

Once you have set up the configuration, you can start the application using Docker Compose. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the docker-compose.yaml file. Run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

Docker Compose will start the application in the background. You can check the logs to verify that the application has started successfully:

docker-compose logs -f

You can now interact with the application in any Discord server where it has been installed.