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Development Environment

Follow the steps below to set up your development environment.


You need to have Git installed on your system.

Environment Setup

You can set up the development environment using either the development container or following the manual setup process.

Using the Development Container

The project includes a development container to automatically set up your development environment, including the all tools and dependencies required to develop the application locally.


Docker must be installed on your system to use the development container.

Quick Start

See the video installation guide below for a step-by-step tutorial on installing the development container with Visual Studio Code:

First, install the Remote Development Extension Pack. Next, open Visual Studio Code and click on icon in the bottom left corner to open the command palette for remote environments.

Select the Clone Repository in Container Volume command. This will prompt you to select the repository to clone. Choose the thijsfranck/courageous-comets repository or paste the repository URL.

Once you confirm the selection, the development container will be set up automatically.

Detailed Setup Guide

For more details, refer to the setup guide for your IDE:


The development container includes the following services for local development:

Service Description Address
Redis Database localhost:6379
RedisInsight Database GUI localhost:8001

Manual Setup

If you prefer to set up the development environment manually, follow the steps below.


Please ensure Python 3.12 and Poetry are installed on your system.

Clone the Repository

To clone the repository, run the following command:

git clone

Next, open the project in your preferred IDE or navigate to the project directory using the terminal.

Install Dependencies

Start by installing the project dependencies using Poetry:

poetry install

This will create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies.

Pre-commit Hooks

Next, install the pre-commit hooks to ensure that your code is formatted and linted before each commit:

poetry run pre-commit install

This will set up the pre-commit hooks to run automatically when you commit changes to the repository.

Redis Database

The application requires a Redis database to run. We recommend setting up a local Redis instance using Docker for development purposes.

To start a Redis instance using Docker, run the following command:

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest

This will start a Redis server on port 6379 and a RedisInsight GUI on port 8001.

Configuring your Environment

To run the application, you will need to provide the following configurations in a .env file at the project root directory.

Discord Token

The application requires a Discord bot token to run. It should be stored in the .env file as follows:


The repository includes an encrypted .env.lock file with the shared Discord bot token for our team. Follow the Secrets Management guide to decrypt the file and start using the token.

Can I use my own Discord bot token?

Yes, you can use your own Discord bot token. If you do so, there's need to decrypt the .env.lock file.

Redis Configuration

If you're not using the development container, you will need to configure the Redis connection in the .env file:


This configuration assumes you are running a local Redis instance on the default port.

Running the Application

With your development environment set up and configured, you can run the application using the following command:

poetry run python -m courageous_comets

The application should now be online and ready to respond to input from your Discord server.

Building the Docker Image

Production Builds

The release process is fully automated and does not require you to build the docker image locally. See the GitHub Actions section of the version control guide for more information.

Before building the Docker image, first build the Python package with Poetry:

poetry build -f wheel

This will create a .whl file in the dist directory. Next, build the Docker image as follows:

docker build -t .

Running the Docker Container

Once you have built the Docker image, use the following command to run the production container locally:

docker run -i --env-file .env

This will run the application just as it would in production, using your local .env file and Redis instance.

Running the Docker Compose Stack

To run the application in a production configuration including the Redis database, you can use the Docker Compose stack.

First, build the Docker image as described in the previous section. Then, run the following command:

docker-compose up

This will start the application and the Redis database in separate containers using your local .env file.

Running the Documentation

To view the documentation locally, you can use the following command:

poetry run mkdocs serve

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view the documentation. The changes you make to the documentation will be automatically reflected in the browser.