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Secrets Management

To use our team's shared Discord bot token, you will need to retrieve it from the .env.lock file in the project root directory. This section will guide you through the process of decrypting the file to access the token.

Install Tools

First, you will need to install age and SOPS on your system. Follow the instructions for your operating system below.

Open a PowerShell terminal and run the following command to install SOPS:

winget install -e --id Mozilla.SOPS

To install age, download the latest binary for Windows and add your age binary to the system PATH.

Open a terminal and run the following command:

brew install age sops

Download the SOPS binary for your platform. For instance, if you are on an amd64 architecture:

curl -LO

Move the binary into your PATH:

mv sops-v3.9.0.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/sops

Make the binary executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sops

Finally, install age:

sudo apt-get install -y age

If you are using the development container, the tools are already installed! 🎉

Generate Keys

Using the development container

The development container automatically generates a key pair for you on initial setup. You public key will be shown in the terminal output. You can also find it later in the secrets/keys.txt file.

Next, you will need to generate a new key pair using age. Run the following command from the root directory of the project:

age-keygen -o > secrets/keys.txt

This will create a new key pair and save it to the secrets/keys.txt file. Share your public key with the team so it can be registered.

Security Warning

Only your public key can be safely shared. Do not share the private key with anyone!

Where can I find my public key?

You can find your public key in the secrets/keys.txt file or in the terminal output after generating the key pair.

Registering a new Public Key


This step needs to be performed by a team member who already has access to the .env file.

To register a new public key, first extend the .sops.yaml file in the project root directory. Add the public key to the list of age keys. Each key is separated by a comma and a newline.

  - age: >-

Next, encrypt the .env file with the updated list of keys and push it to the repository.

Decrypting Secrets

Once your public key is added to the .env.lock file, you can decrypt the file to access the Discord bot token. First, pull the latest changes from the repository:

git pull


SOPS requires the SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE environment variable to be set to the path of your private key file. This is automatically set up in the development container.

Next, run the following command to decrypt the .env.lock file:

sops decrypt --input-type dotenv --output-type dotenv .env.lock > .env

This will decrypt the file and save the contents to a new .env file in the project root directory. You can now access the Discord bot token.

Security Warning

Do not commit your decrypted .env file to version control or share the contents with anyone!

Encrypting Secrets

To encrypt the .env file after making changes, run the following command:

sops encrypt .env > .env.lock

This will encrypt the file and save it to the .env.lock file. You can now commit the changes to version control.