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Getting Started

Joining a new Discord server can sometimes feel overwhelming. With Courageous Comets, you can quickly get a sense of what a server is all about and decide if it's the right place for you.

Whether you're exploring a new community or trying to find where you fit in, Courageous Comets makes it easy.

The following sections will walk you through common interactions with the bot. For a complete list of available interactions, refer to the Interactions Overview at the end of this guide.

Finding Your Way Around

Let's say you've just joined a new server and you are interested in web development with Django. We'll use the search feature to find the most recent messages related to those topics.

Type the following command in any channel:

/search query:"web development with Django"

The bot will return a list of messages that are relevant to your query. The search results include references to the channels and message authors, so you can get an idea of where the conversation is happening.

Search Results
Search Results

The search feature is also available as a context menu option when you right-click on a message. Use this when you see an interesting message and want to find more like it.

Discovering Like-Minded People

If you're looking for a new community to join, you can ask the bot to find channels and users that share your mindset. Let's say you're excited to learn more about programming and are looking for people who feel the same way.

Try the following command:

/sentiment_search query:"excited to learn about programming"

The bot will return a list of messages that share your sentiment. Again, the results include the channels and authors of the messages to help you explore further.

Sentiment Search Results
Sentiment Search Results

The sentiment search feature is also available as a context menu option when you right-click on a message. Use this when you find a message that resonates with you and want to find more like it.

Getting to Know the Community

Once you've found a community you're interested in, you might want to learn more about the people who are active there.

You can use the topics interaction to see a summary of what's being discussed on a server, channel, or by a specific user.

For example, to see the most popular topics in the Python Discord server, type:

/topics scope:GUILD

The bot will return an overview of the most popular topics in the server.

Popular Topics
Popular Topics

You can also use the Show user interests context menu option to see what a particular user likes to talk about.

Most Active Times

If you're curious about when the server is most active, you can use the frequency interaction to see a graph of message frequency over a given time period.

For example, to see the daily message frequency for the last 7 days, type:

/frequency duration:DAILY
Message Frequency
Most Active Times

Alternatively you can specify HOURLY to get the hourly message frequency for the last 24 hours, or MINUTE for the last 60 minutes.

Contributing to a Safe Environment

What's better than finding a server that aligns with your interests? When that server is filled with friendly and welcoming people!

Courageous Comets helps moderators maintain a positive and safe environment in their servers. Use the bot to identify the most helpful members of the community, or to detect toxic behavior and spam.

Right-click on any user or message and use the sentiment analysis interaction to get an overview of their attitude.

User Sentiment
User Sentiment

If a user's attitude is consistently positive, the bot provides a mechanism to praise them for their contributions. When you praise a user, the bot will send them a message to let them know they're appreciated!

Praise Message

Likewise, if the sentiment analysis indicates negative or toxic behavior, this can be addressed by the moderation team.

About the Bot

If you ever need a quick overview of the bot and its features, you can use the about interaction.


The bot will provide a brief description of its capabilities and how to use them. The message also includes a link to this documentation for more detailed information!

About the Bot

Interactions overview

The table below lists all available interactions and in which context they can be used.

Interaction Description Available As
Search Find channels, users messages that match your interests. /search, Message context
Popular Topics Show the most popular topics for a given server, channel or user. /topics, User context
Sentiment Search Find channels, users and messages with similar attitudes. /sentiment_search, Message context
Sentiment Analysis Analyze the overall attitude of a message or a user. User context, Message context
Frequency Show the message frequency on a server over a given time period. /frequency
About Get a brief overview of the bot and its features. /about
Ping Check if the bot is online and responsive. /ping